It has been a little over one week since life for many of us turned upside down quickly. We were already experiencing a change in environment at church for the last month as we moved worship to the Fellowship Hall while waiting for our furnace to be repaired. It was actually a joy to be worshiping in the old sanctuary space and we even welcomed some new members during our last Sunday together!

We have now been tasked with a strange responsibility for the sake of the health of each other, to stay separated and at a distance during this global pandemic that continues to grow. The last few days have been trying to say the least, as many have been asked to stay home, some losing jobs, others seeing an increased workload and stress, fear, uncertainty, and tension has grown. How can we find grounding and community when we are separated? How can we be church when we physically cannot gather in the same place?
In this short period of time, congregations have had to discover this new way of being. As this moment lingers on, we will continue to explore opportunities to find connections, pray, and worship together. We need to find time to recharge and breathe as well. We will also continue to seek ways of serving our neighbors and sharing Christ’s light in the world.
I hope you are navigating this “new normal” with some grace and if you need some help or just someone to talk to, I am here for you. You are not alone in all of this. Although we may be scattered physically, we are still church together. I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday!
God’s Peace,
Pastor Dave